First Thoughts – Scribblenauts Unlimited


I’d seen a little bit about Scribblenauts before but didn’t really get it and therefore didn’t have a lot of interest. It looked kind of cute but not as pretty as I usually like. What would I want with Scribblenauts when I have Disney Universe and Little Big Planet?

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Happy Halloween!

I did it! I made my Dungeon Defenders video! Considering it’s my first time making a video in quite awhile and my first ever making one like this, I think it turned out okay. For awhile there I was pretty sure it wasn’t going to happen. I got sick a little over a week ago (probably just allergies, but bad enough that I wasn’t feeling up to doing much) and right up until last night there was just no way I could talk long enough to do a video. So I recorded and edited this all in the past 6 hours, because I was very determined to get it out on Halloween.

Also, Steam sale! Dungeon Defenders is one of the games on sale (which I also mention in the video), so the timing worked out nicely.

And now it is time to nap before I have to get ready for trick-or-treaters.

Have a good day/weekend!

Dungeon Defenders Ramble

Happy October! This is my favorite month, ending on my favorite holiday. And back during the summer Steam sale, when I picked up Dungeon Defenders, I got a little over-excited and also picked up a bunch of DLC for it including the Halloween map that I’ve been very extremely excited to play. But as much as I love this game, I level up slowly. Because I really just don’t play anything all that often, so even when I play this more than anything else that still means that after…(what, 3 months?) my highest-leveled character is only a 16. The recommended level for the map is 60. Oh dear.

I’ve pretty much accepted that I’m not actually going to finish it, but I’d at least like to do well enough to spend some time exploring it and have some fun. So I’ve been playing Dungeon Defenders pretty much exclusively in an attempt to level up as much as possible.

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